Monday, November 17, 2008

Why I Don't Shop at Walmart

First, and foremost, because this is America, and I can shop wherever I want to. Second, I dislike paying businesses to line the pockets of other nations just to save $1.50. Perhaps, the most important reason is that I don't like waiting in lines; I don't like large parking lots; I don't like feeling cramped while I shop; I don't like their whole take-over-the-world-one-business-at-a-time model. More than likely, the reason I don't shop there is that everyone else does. Moral of the story? Don't be a lemming. Make the world a better place. Don't shop at Walmart. Support domestic products. Watch this movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't shop at Walmart anymore because I don't want to be mugged. No, seriously, that's why. You wouldn't believe how scary this Walmart is - even at 10 am. Our Bishop calls it Ghettomart. -Lucy