Tuesday, November 11, 2008


A man once sat in a small room. I was that man. And yes, I am now seated in that small room. If an emotion commonly referred to as "surprise" comes to you as a result of the reading the previous comment, then perhaps you should cease all reading activity as soon as possible.
I, Rider #1 hereby prognosticate that the glorious writings on this blog will change you life forever. You will laugh. You will cry. However, most often you will simply shake your head and utter the infamous word "why?"
Though I am not a beautiful man, (that would just be wrong. I am instead an insanely handsome man! This sentence better conveys my rugged and manly qualities) I do love beautiful women. This brings me to today's topic: Women...

I have now divulged every ounce of my boundless insight on the female psyche.
You may, with confidence, expect many more posts full of such in sight as that mentioned above... this post though is only a humble prognostication and a introduction to the many magical posts that will most assuredly follow shortly after.
-Good readings!

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