I just know that I'm going to be rebuked by everyone over the age of 25 for this post, but since speaking my mind is one of my horribly annoying skills, here it goes. I used to make fun of all my older siblings when they would tell me not to call past 9, because that was when they went beddie bye, but I find myself now turning in earlier and earlier. My standing self imposed curfew this semester has been 10:30. Now while that might not sound incredibly early for some of you fogies, it sounds early to me: a spry young college student running amuck amidst the plethora of college activities and fun seeking peers...
As if going to bed early wasn't bad enough, I have somehow managed to commit social suicide and ceased to function outside of school, work and homework. I still manage to find a few minutes here and there to veg in front of the TV now and then, the key word being 'veg' (veg: to assume a posture where no muscles are utilized and the brain enters a vegetative state.). I recently talked to a former friend who has also commited social suicide, her removal from the social pool is due to her aquirement of a semi-posessive boy toy who now occupies ALL her time. Although she has severed all former social connections, she, at least has a significant other to spend her anti-social time with. I, on the other hand have seen fit to fill my social sobatical with copious amounts of work. I have no witness to my madness, just a variety of textbooks and a never ending list of assignments formulated to waste my time while teaching me absolutely nothing. Isn't school great?
Now I did point out that this was all self imposed, and I will admit to that, but really how much of a choice do I really have? I spend all my active brain power on improving my grades yet still manage to secure 3 C's. Is this because I'm not really as smart as I think I am? Probably. Or it could have something to do with all the asinine assignments systematically designed to drive me out of my mind.
I no longer have any fun, I find it harder and harder to find energy to actually get out and do stuff and I have commited social suicide. If those aren't signs of getting old I don't know what is. I turn 26 in a month and a half. It's not so much the number that bothers me, but the knowledge that the older I get, the more responsibility I get and the less energy and time I'll have to accomplish it all.
As I write this, I am watching the clock get closer and closer to 10:30 and I know that if I don't finish up quick, I'm going to regret it tomorow morning at 5:30 when I get up. Maybe one of these days I'll try and get my life back, but I suppose it'll have to wait till I get out of this hellish nightmare called college. In the meantime I guess I just have to sacrifice my youth and sanity for a few good grades and the hope of a future career in my chosen field. Getting old sucks.
wow- who would have thought... you are like a caged lion, just waiting fir some poor kid to stick his chubby little hand in your cage and go wild again!
HA HA HA!!! Oh man, I'm glad to know that you now appreciate my 9pm bedtime :) It is also good to know that even spending time with yourself and vegging out you still manage to find half eaten pizzas lying around to keep up your strength. -Lucy
Oh, and you know you should ask before you post pictures of me :)
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